Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Brief Introduction

     What's up guys!  Welcome to my blog.  This is just a blog where I tell you guys about what's gonna be on the blog and a little bit about me.  So without further a due, let's get started!
     So about me.  I like Parkour, cooking, video games, and blogging.  I have a couple other blogs so I'll leave links to those at the bottom.  I will try to post at least four times a week.  Oh, and just a quick disclaimer, some of my blogs might be pg13.  I love the following bands: Black Veil Brides, Falling In Reverse, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil, and Panic At The Disco.  And my hobby's include but are not limited too playing piano, watching youtube, and hanging out with my sister.
     What will you see on this blog?  Good question.  This blog will be posts with a random topic.  You can request me to write about something by emailing me at thatoneblogger@gmail.com and I will try my best to write about it.  Sometimes you'll see posts about bands.  And sometimes you'll see a post about video games and how I suck at them.  But most of the time it will probably be something random that happened in my day.
     I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to the blog!  I will try my best to post something tomorrow after school so stay tuned.  Links to my other blogs below.

  --> http://yeahyummyfood.blogspot.com/<--